日期:2005/3/17 16:33:30 天气:晴朗 心情:high 阅读4718次
How significant has religious belief been in the development of present—day British society?
Britain maybe is the oldest representative democracy in the world, and the power of the monarchy was largely derived from the “ancient doctrine of kings” in the antiquity, all of the most Britons are Catholics, besides the king. He exercised absolute power to control the people depended on“sovereign derived his authority from God ,not from his subjects.”
In the 16th century, there was a new religion engendered which was separated from Catholicism, and people who believed in this religion were called Puritans. They mainly consist of financial capitalists, big businessmen and some landowners. They were not only to simplify the rite of Catholicism in religious belief but also wanted an increasing say in what the king was doing in political.
From 1679 to 1681,parliament held a conference to discuss would Count James is the best person who got the throne. For Count James was a Catholic, radical Catholics and Puritans objected him while Catholics who reflected the interest of big landowners and monks on the senior level of Britain’s state supported him.
In 1685,JamesⅡsucceed to throne after the dying of CharlesⅡ.He began to renew the importance of the Catholicism. And at the same time, he claimed that he gave the freedom of religion belief to all of the people. Unfortunately, there were a lot of people forbidden him. In 1688,James ran away and William took over.
In 1689,parliament passed the Bill of Rights. It stipulated that politics should be separated from religion, and the king must be served as by the Protestant. So it was out of the question that Catholism would renew in England. Then Christianity is the national religion. And nowadays, most of the Britons are Christian.
“Britain consists of four nations, including England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.” We know that most of the Britons are Christian, but some people live in Northern Ireland still believe in Catholicism.“ Northern Ireland is the smallest of the four nations, both in area and population.” In the 17th century, the English government, trying to increase its control of Ireland encouraged people from Scotland and north of Ireland. As a result, the northeastern part of Ireland people who were Protestants thought they were British and wished to remain a part of the British state. But most other people who were Catholics, againsted the Protestants’ idea. So there were many conflicts between English government and Catholics. The result is that Northern Irish cities are “ghettoized” into exclusively Protestant and Catholic areas.
Christianity always connects to the church, and church plays very important role in Christians’ life. Church also influences Britain’s sports. “Football, archery, tennis and other sports frequently played in church yards”. Cricket is a popular game in England. In 1700,a cricket match was always going to be held on Claphorm Common in London on Easter Monday.
Christmas is the most popular holiday in the world, and it is the biggest and best loved holiday for Christian.“Christmas” is a combination of the words “Christ” and“Mass”. “Christmass” for today’s christion,the origin of Christmas is, and should be, the birth of Jesus Christ as recorded in the Bible.“But for church goers it is Easter, not Christmas ,which is the most important Christian festival. Easter commemorates the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Nowadays, Easter is the time of springtime festivals, a time to welcome back the Tulips, the Crocuses and the Daffodils. Its a time of new suits, new dresses and patent leather shoes. And a time of chocolate bunnies, marshmallow chicks, and colored eggs!
Religious belief is a part of indispensable life, playing an enormous role in human history. It is ideology, and has countless connection with all aspects in the production, living of the society.
Reference: Chen Zuxin Britain bourgeois revolution and religion
A boring foreign teacher
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